Selecting The Perfect Camping Vehicle
If you are contemplating purchasing a vehicle to use for camping, you may want to consider doing some research before heading to a dealer. Knowing which type of vehicle would best suit your particular needs will make the buying process easier to deal with, as you will not be bombarded with too many choices. Knowing the different models of camping vehicles available on the market will help you pinpoint which would be best for your family size as well as how many amenities you would need. Here are some tips to help you make a decision on the type of vehicle that would work best for your camping situation.
Decide On Usage
The type of camping you intend on doing will have a large impact on the type of vehicle you will want to buy. If you are going to be camping in the open wilderness and you are not at all concerned about having running water, a smaller camper will most likely suffice for sleeping quarters. If you have a larger family and you are going to be staying at a campground rather than "roughing it," you may want to opt for a recreational vehicle with modern conveniences. Ask each member of the family what their desires are when going camping before heading to a showroom to look at the selections they have available. This way you will have a list of the must-haves before you start your search.
Know The Types
Camping vehicles can be as small as a pop-up trailer that is hauled on the back of a vehicle to a luxury vehicle itself with movable sides that expand the living area. Knowing the types of vehicles available before going to a dealer will help you stick within the class you want.
Pop-up trailers will accommodate a couple of people and offer sleeping quarters and perhaps an area to use for cooking. They are compact and do not use much room on a campsite. They attach to your existing vehicle, so they do not need gasoline or to be driven.
Travel trailers are a step up from a pop-up trailer. They are hooked to your vehicle, but can be taken off when you wish to drive around without hauling your sleeping area behind you. They are larger in size than a pop-up trailer but still do not have a bathroom inside.
Recreational vehicles come in three classes: Classes A, B, and C. Class A vehicles are the top-of-the-line model that have every available luxury or amenity. You can enjoy a hot-water shower, flushing toilets, electricity hook-ups, expanding rooms, and a large living area. Class B vehicles offer the same amenities but are not as large, and may not expand in width. Class C recreational vehicles are on the smaller scale but may be missing a bathroom.
Check On Storage
If you are planning on purchasing a larger recreational vehicle, make sure you have an area to store it properly. Check with your homeowner's association to see if you are able to store it on your property, otherwise you will need to rent space for your vehicle's storage. Contact a service like Orangewood RV Center for more information.